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Launching the campaign to improve understanding and monitoring of Erosive Tooth Wear

Welcome to the section of our site for dental professionals and dental teams. In 2018 a working group from key organisations within dentistry met to discuss the need to raise awareness of erosive tooth wear amongst the profession as the 3rd most commonly observed oral condition[1] and highlight the requirement for monitoring and patient discussion as part of every clinical examination. This page contains information about the condition supported by education assets for you and your colleagues.

Reference 1. Bartlett et al. Prevalence of tooth wear on buccal and lingual surfaces & possible risk factors in young European adults. J Dent 2013; 41: 1007-1013.

The BEWE examination

This video featuring Dr Saoirse O’Toole and Professor David Bartlett introduces the BEWE and includes a practical demonstration of how to use the index in practice.

Erosive tooth wear module

This module was developed for dental professionals and includes a voice over by Professor David Bartlett. It includes advice for the diagnosis and prevention of erosive tooth wear as well as information on using BEWE in practice.

The need for screening for ETW

Professor David Bartlett explains why the dental profession should routinely screen for erosive tooth wear and the importance of screening for prevention.

Resources to download

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Recording the BEWE using Software of Excellence in the UK

If you use Software of Excellence and wish to start recording erosive tooth wear using the BEWE at clinical examinations we can help you. It will add to the BPE as an additional table to allow you to record the BEWE.

Simply download the attached file*, open SOE EXACT, left click on “Configure” at the top, and click custom screens. At the bottom right select import, and then import the file from wherever you saved it (possibly still in the downloads folder). Restart the software and you will see the BEWE in the same format as the BPE side by side.

Congratulations, you’ve taken a step towards earlier diagnosis of erosive tooth wear for your patients.


* Written by Dr Nimit Patel

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Usage Instructions

  1. Download and save the file
  2. Open SOE
  3. Left click on “Configure” at the top, and then “custom screens”.
  4. At the bottom right select import, and click on the file
  5. Restart the software and start recording BEWE alongside the BPE

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